Monday, January 27, 2014

How Do Contact-lenses Work?

Love is trusting. It was like in my brain I was a kid with my head cocked to the side, trying to understand the concept of the those clear little never-popping oddly flat bubbles my mom put in her eyes every day even though they made her cry. 
Love. IS. Trusting? If I had read it out loud I would have immediately followed with, "Idon'tunderstandhowthatworks." It makes sense to think that if you are loving, then you are trustworthy. But love first is trusting? That's really interesting. So I put it to work. God loves us, so He trusts us? Stepping into that thought was like tentatively walking into the ocean and taking a step further to find the sand suddenly drops a foot and now the water is up to your chest. So I took a step in a different direction. Not really, apparently at this point I was in the grips of the current, cause it only felt like I went deeper. God asks us to love others, so He really is asking us to trust them? Like trust them with our things? With us? With others? Trust what they say, what they claim? Like trrruuussst them. Come on. 
Okay, here I'm going to rattle off into my train of thought after I asked the page these questions. You might not have thought like this, but maybe you have. Either way, I'll be real with you. 
So to love someone is to trust them? That literally makes zero sense. I mean it does a little (of course), but why would that be in there. I want to be loving towards people, so I have to actually trust them. Like if love was in my heart, then trust would be too? And that's saying that God trust me, because He does love me. That seems ridiculous. When does that qualify as okay? I mean can totally see someone entrusting something to someone that doesn't really matter, or that you can fix or help out if something goes wrong... like asking your kid to carry in the sealed can of peanuts while you get the rest of the groceries. But that really seems way to easy.  
Love is a huge deal. A huge deal. I'm sure to trust-love someone is not as simple as asking them to carry the most durable lightweight insignificant grocery in from the car. One that you don't even really need. 
To love someone, and trust them. That takes a lot of love. And it takes a lot of actual trust. It takes an immense amount of security, and confidence, and faith. Which is why we don't trust anyone. Now, I'm going to go back into my own thoughts, how I was thinking to myself...
Why don't I want to trust people. Why wouldn't I naturally. If trust is a part of love, an indicator even, of love, then what's the gap? Because just trusting people never works. Those things I said before, putting those in a person is obviously, usually, an automatic no-go if anyone has had any experience with humans ( think about kids.. how they trust...and then when they all of the sudden don't anymore). 
Love for others comes straight from God. Love at its best comes straight from God. Maybe that's why the word "Love" comes before the word "trusts." It definitely doesn't say trusting is love. So for me to be in that type of communion of Love with others, I've got to first be in that communion of Love with God. Or at least be in some communion of Love, with Him. Real Love. His Love, not mine. Meaning that... for me to trust others really is for me to trust God. If I really trusted Him, the Father of the universe then what is trusting another person? It's first an act of trusting Him, and actually is entirely just trusting Him if you think about it. Thats what that trust is rooted in, thats what that trust is made of, even if it is towards and in another person. But even to know all this... where does that leave us? Still, here, right now, here, where we were and how we felt two minutes ago. 
AKA this really is not even close to being as simple as a paragraph on your screen. I couldn't even tell you how to do it, or how long it takes, or how to really get there, because I'm not yet! But to think, that what God asks us to do, that "command" to love, is really just a beckon towards Him, is wild. He isn't saying throw your day into someone else's hands, He isn't saying throw your paycheck into someone else's hands, He isn't saying throw your heart, mind, body into someone else's hands. No, not blindly, not impulsively, not with a strive towards faith, or a strive to prove your "love," or a strive to help someone else "know love."
Why in the world does Paul write "love trusts"? Because we literally cannot comprehend a love that really would. Because the real Love does. 
So to comprehend that Love, that Love that Paul talks about, we have to dig, think, weigh out, search, listen. We have to look at ourselves, look at our world, look at the rest of Paul's letter, the rest of that book we now have. We have to go further, to the greater, to the unknown, to the wilder, more wonderful, mysterious ways of God to understand, and to have that; to have Love. And then to give it. 
Our love, here, doesn't seem to do all of those things at once very often, almost never. But later in that book, it says that we can do them all at once, that we can experience them all at once, that that Love is possible to hold, here. It's what we're made for. Thats why we randomly post words from that little paragraph everywhere, without even knowing where it comes from, or who said it, or the entirety of it at all. Because we want it, we want to believe in it, and we want to experience it and give it and have it be reality. Like actually reality. It seems like a leap of faith to even imagine that. 
Well, it's real. And it can be. 100%. So be beckoned. Dig deeper. Push harder. And then be totally lifted. If you haven't found it yet, and you want it still, that means there's something waiting. 

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